Watch Webinar – Gaza War Update 5/29/24

JINSA hosted a webinar discussing the latest regional developments in Israel’s multi-front war against Iran’s proxies, including the recent IDF airstrike in Rafah that killed two high-ranking Hamas members and inadvertently killed several civilians, ongoing ground maneuvers in Rafah, and increasing attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The panel featured JINSA Distinguished Fellows IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror and JINSA’s Julian and Jenny Josephson Senior Vice President for Israeli Affairs IDF MG (ret.) Yaacov Ayish. The discussion was moderated by JINSA President and CEO Michael Makovsky.

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) is dedicated to educating Congressional, military and civilian national security decision-makers on American defense and strategic interests, primarily in the Middle East, the cornerstone of which is a robust U.S.-Israeli security cooperation. JINSA believes that a strong American military and national security posture is the best guarantor of peace and the survival of our values and civilization.