It’s not a question of if but when Israel goes to war with Hezbollah

Excerpt Below:

Gaza is but one front in a wider Iran-Israel conflict that is already shifting northward to Lebanon. Recent senior Israeli warnings suggest a full-scale war between Israel and Iran’s powerful proxy Hezbollah is becoming more a question of when and not if.

Immediately after Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7, Israeli leaders feared that Hezbollah, with its 150,000-rocket arsenal and precision-guided munitions, might attack next and debated, but ultimately decided against, preempting it.

Israeli fears were not unfounded. In the past eight months, Hezbollah has launched almost 5,000 shorter-range projectiles at close-by Israeli communities, a significant amount that is increasingly intolerable.

Michael Makovsky, a former Pentagon official, is president and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA). Blaise Misztal is JINSA’s vice president for policy.

Read the full op-ed in The Hill.