Qatar, the ‘source of evil in the Middle East’

And get it they did, he said. “Israel made a big mistake in giving Qatar a foothold in the negotiations to release the hostages,” he added.

The supposed U.S. pressure on Qatar to in turn pressure Hamas “is all a big lie, because the Democratic Party has no leverage on Qatar and they don’t even want to go in that direction,” he said.

The Biden administration has repeatedly stated that it is doing everything in its power to pressure Qatar to get Hamas to agree to a hostage deal.

Critics point out, however, that Qatar is home to the Al Udeid Air Base, which contains America’s largest military base in the Middle East, and that the Biden administration could easily threaten to move it out of Qatar.

In addition, Qatar is designated as a “major non-NATO ally” by the United States. The Biden administration should be threatening to remove this prestigious designation, critics argue, but has failed to do so.

According to Jonathan Ruhe, director of foreign policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), there are “two interconnected reasons” the Biden administration has failed to do everything to get the hostages released.

First, he told JNS, is the Biden team’s “transparent desire for a Gaza ceasefire, come hell or high water, and its readiness to let Hamas leaders refuse to take ‘yes’ for an answer to their demands while they sit comfortably in their Doha hotels.”

The second reason is that Qatar has “adroitly (mis)portrayed itself as indispensable to U.S. interests in the Middle East, including negotiations with the Taliban, reconstruction aid for past Gaza conflicts, and building the massive Al Udeid base for U.S. forces.”

In May, The Washington Post cited an unnamed U.S. official as saying the Biden administration had told Doha to expel Hamas if the group continues to reject a ceasefire deal with Israel.

That has yet to happen.

“On the contrary, they say Qatar is fighting terrorism,” Ben-Menachem told JNS. “This is the biggest joke.”

A joke because Qatar is the leader of the global Muslim Brotherhood and uses its propaganda arm, Al Jazeera, to spread malicious lies about America and Israel, he explained.

According to Ben-Menachem, Qatar is more dangerous than Hamas or Hezbollah since it is extraordinarily wealthy and thus in a position to influence U.S. administrations.

Qatar has for many years been involved in financing the campaigns of the Democratic Party, he said, “especially Hillary Clinton’s campaign” in 2016. He added that former U.S. President Bill Clinton is known to have flown to Qatar to bring back suitcases full of cash.

Former President Donald Trump was also under Qatar’s influence, according to Ben-Menachem.

Under fire and facing accusations of security breaches related to nuclear research, the president of the university, Gen. (ret.) Mark A. Welsh III, published a letter in which he claimed, “Texas A&M complies with all U.S. laws and agency regulations that govern how we manage and report international engagements.”

But according to research by the Zachor Legal Institute, Qatar runs the Qatar Foundation, which invests in foreign academic and research institutions including Northwestern, Georgetown, Texas A&M, Carnegie Mellon and Cornell universities.

The institute warned in an article earlier this year that the exposure of Texas A&M “is likely only the tip of the iceberg on how Qatar, directly and indirectly, influences American institutions and public opinion.”

They said it was “critical to continue shedding light on this largely undocumented meddling in American domestic and international affairs.”

It is no secret that the West, including Israel, has deep ties with Qatar.

According to the Human Security Centre, Qatar is “a major arms buyer from the U.S. and an important energy exporter to the West, it hosts an Israeli trade office despite having no formal diplomatic relations since 2009, and since 2018 has been a large benefactor to the Gaza Strip.”

Qatar is estimated to have transferred $1.5 billion to finance public services in Gaza, most of which likely went into building the terror tunnels uncovered by the Israeli military during the war.