JINSA Testifies Before Congress on Economic Sanctions

JINSA Gemunder Center Fellow Gabriel Noronha will testify this morning in the House of Representatives’ Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission’s “Hearing on Considerations on Economic Sanctions” about the collateral effects of economic sanctions programs, including their impacts on humanitarian assistance, human rights and peacebuilding.

Tuesday, October 4
11:00am EST

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Co-Chairs McGovern and Smith; Distinguished Members of the Commission: thank you for the opportunity to testify regarding the humanitarian considerations of economic sanctions.

Sanctions serve as a powerful tool for the U.S. government to protect the innocent, weaken terror groups and oppressive regimes, and – as I often heard firsthand when I served as the State Department’s Special Advisor for Iran – bring a measure of justice to the families and loved ones of those persecuted, tortured, and killed…

Click here to read full testimony.